A new positive narrative for the world
We will lay down Digital Blocks as we head towards the future of networking. (Mission Statement 2020 – AEP CEO - Dobbe Boogaerts )
AEP Generative Farming Boxes​ ™
AEP Deep Blue Belief ​™
AEP 'We make businesses thrive'
Our organisation will be at the forefront of business activities in the 21st century, enriching old systems, innovating beyond current restrictions for
the benefit of planet and people.
Our technologies and applications are not developed to manage our planet but for the planet to manage itself.
A subtle diffrence that has a significant influence and gives our organization an undiscussable economic strategic advantage.
(Vision Statement 2020 – AEP CEO - Dobbe Boogaerts)
Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (2019).
Aedifici Planeta (AEP) Innovation Deposition 26.08.2019